Each fall, Edvance hosts a series of sessions across the province for school board members to explore the questions: what is good governance and why does it matter?

These sessions are a great opportunity to gather your school leadership team together to explore what it means to flourish as a board. You will hear best practices, learn about resources available to you, and network with other boards from Edvance affiliate schools.

This year's Board Governance Sessions will be held in September 2025 in the following regions: 

  • Durham Region
  • Barrie Region
  • Kitchener/Waterloo Region 
  • Smithville Region
  • Windsor Region

Exact dates, locations, and registration will be announced in Summer 2025. 


6:30 - 7:00 pm   Refreshments and Conversation 

7:00 - 9:00 pm   Board Governance and Best Practices

  • Overview of governance, key roles of the board 

  • Distinctives of flourishing boards 

  • Where to get resources and support 

Why should board members and principals attend? 

  • To be encouraged in your work of leading schools 
  • To meet and network with other board members from other Christian schools in your area 
  • To hear best practices in board governance 
  • To work towards continuous improvement for your board, a flourishing board helps ensure a flourishing school

"This session provided very important information to become an effective board."

"I found this session really valuable as a new board member" 

"{the session provided} good ideas as well as team building for our board members"

- Edvance Affiliate School Board Members