
The St. Lawrence Academy
Strive! Learn! Achieve!

Our Mission is to inspire learning and to develop the intellectual, creative, spiritual and physical
potential of every child. Through solid Christian principles, we seek to develop caring, accepting
and respectful young people who will aspire to become responsible, humble, and selfmotivated global citizens.
Our small class sizes promote an optimal learning environment and our family-like
atmosphere nurtures the creativity and imagination of our students. Through our innovative and
dynamic Arts programming, natural mentoring and leadership opportunities and overall higher
expectations, the St. Lawrence Academy promotes healthy bodies & healthy minds. Leadership,
character building and spiritual nurturing encompasses, compliments and respects diversity.
Physical Education is also a vital part of our curriculum as we take advantage of the many
opportunities found locally here in Prescott. Skating, curling, golf, water sports and tennis are
all available to us just steps away!

Traditional Christian values and the Ontario Curriculum are our foundations as we strive for
excellence in Academics, the Arts, Athletics, and community outreach, providing a richly
balanced education for our students.
From Junior Kindergarten to grade 8, our small class sizes provide a safe and nurturing
environment which engages and inspires our students to grow mind, body and spirit.
The St. Lawrence Academy dynamic and dedicated faculty love the Lord, love to teach and love
to learn, and take pride in leading our students to new heights of academic and
personal achievement. From award winning Science Fair discoveries to whole-hearted Music
Festival performances, from Artistic exploration, Math competency and fun on the curling rink, at
the waterfront and on the golf course, our team and individual successes bring us a sense
of pride and accomplishment with a concentration on balance in all facets of life.
It is our goal at the St. Lawrence Academy to provide Learning that Lasts a Lifetime where
the confident smiles of our students radiate an energy and enthusiasm for learning and for life.